By Robin Dutt
More and more men it seems are choosing to finish off their sartorial suiting with for some, seems an unessessary addition. Not so. The pocket kerchief, square or pochette is a visual delight – or can be depending on if you know what to do with it. Practically every tailor of Savile Row understands the importance of this square of silk or cotton, for the most part, certainly not used to clear a nasal disaster but a flash and a flourish and perhaps and even then, only perhaps, to rescue the tears of a film going campanion before high tailing it to Claridge’s for a slightly Dirty Martini. Here are a few ways to accomplish the look…
1) FLOUNCE – Take your silk square by the middle and give it a shake. Without too much thought, insert into the pocket and forget all about it.
2) STRICT SQUARE – Iron robustly – cotton is best. A spray of starch might come in handy. Make the most minimalist square, insert and await compliments.
3) PYRAMID POINTS – Quite 1950s gangster but hey… Arrange corners of the square together until they resemble sartorial shark’s teeth. You might also like to consider a solitary triangular shape too.
4) BI-SQUARAL – My favourite is to match or mismatch two squares, as long as they are of the same material and shove them into the pocket, with elan and not too much fretting (a twist or two may be required). Match this look with balancing sock patterns.