Imperial Heritage Caviar

Copyright: Bart D’hooge and Nullam Microwaveum
A touch of passion and tradition
Enjoy one of the most praised sturgeon caviars and treat yourself and friends to this unique caviar experience. The Caviar House “Imperial Heritage“, founded and owned by the Colman family Mr Koenraad Peter Colman, his wife Mrs Kristel Berghmans and their daughter Miss Elisabeth Colman, guarantee you the finest selection of the most praised sturgeon species: caviars offering a luxuriously refined flavour, respecting nature’s balance. This house stands for tradition and origin, holding on to the classic environment for the sturgeon and the old-school way of preparing and selecting the world’s best caviars.
Pure source water and a base of rock, pebbles and sand in open nature are the only and essential environment for our sturgeons. PURE ORIGINAL TASTE.
Our Great Caviar Masters from Russia and Iran are treating and salting our caviar according to the old traditional recipes (Malossol).
The supervision and final selection of these fine caviars is guaranteed by the Colman family. From father to daughter, all inspired by one Passion: “the finest Caviar of the World”.
The caviars from our house carry a very important label of recognition: the “Friend of the Sea” label, exclusively donated to sustainable and nature friendly products.
UK sales manager: Berenice Scheepers. +44 (0)745 086 2077; berenice.scheepers@imperialheritage.com
Head Office: Ringlaan 34, 2400 Mol, Belgium; +32 (0)496 501 502; sales@imperialheritage.com