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About us

Savile Row magazine is the only magazine to focus upon Savile Row.

As well as its spotlight on bespoke clothes, it covers other upmarket topics of interest to those who shop in the Row or aspire to, and concentrates upon quality and craftsmanship in the modern world.

Savile Row print magazine is available to clients of bespoke tailors.

First published in 1999, Marie Scott, the editor, established the magazine in partnership with the late John Taylor, noted editor of The Tailor & Cutter trade journal and the first men’s lifestyle magazine Man About Town.

The website covers news from the world of men’s style and bespoke tailoring, the latest on style trends and accessories, and lists quality tailors from Savile Row and further afield in the Find a Tailor directory.

We also cover luxury lifestyle, from motoring to fine dining and travel.

Publications UK

Founded in 1996, Publications UK is a full service agency, specialising in the creation and delivery of high-quality content across a range of platforms, including print, digital and events. It is our mission to foster key connections between clients and high-value audience groups. Our sound understanding of what a niche audience needs allows us to determine quickly what content will reach them effectively. For further information email or call +44 (0) 208 238 5000.