The Savile Row Collection brings together the best of British quality in craftsmanship and services.
In addition to made-to-order luxury lines exclusive to Savile Row Style Magazine, it offers special trips and activities for men who want the best.
In the next print edition of Savile Row Style Magazine, to be published at the end of March, it will include:-
a bespoke suit in a new exclusive fabric,
a luxury trip to a wine chateau,
a day’s shooting and
a fine dining experience.
To see these and forthcoming selections for the SR Collection, take out a subscription to the magazine, so that it is mailed directly to you.
Due to successful reaction to the first print-on-demand edition of Savile Row Style Magazine, we are switching to a standard print run for the next edition. This not only allows greater flexibility but brings down the per-copy price .
At just £20 for the annual subscription, covering the four quarterly editions, this represents a considerable saving on the print-on-demand price per copy.
The content is similar to but not the same as that within the savilerowstyle website, with extra features and images.
The website will continue to be updated four times a year, each followed by a new printed copy of Savile Row Style.
Send your subscription NOW to be sure of your copy from what will be a limited edition print run.
The first issue of SAVILE ROW STYLE MAGAZINE, Vol 1No1, may still be ordered through our print-on-demand site - A collectors' item.
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at £20
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