BOND fever is about to hit town, as the new James Bond film is released this autumn. We learn that the agent is yet again minus the Savile Row elegance that Ian Fleming would have chosen, but at least he has his shirts made in Jermyn Street.
Turnbull & Asser has brought out a new Bond collection of shirts and accessories, renewing their long association with Bond actors, having made for Sean Connery through to Pierce Brosnan.
The car that new Bond, Daniel Craig, drives is of course an Aston Martin, as in all the previous movies. The new model, seen here, is still secret in terms of specifications, all to be revealed as the film launches.
• Twosome power takes to the streets
THE rise and rise of pedal-power on the streets of London and other cities is the active response by young and not-so-young travellers to soaring petrol costs, traffic congestion and exercise considerations. Forsaking cars and public transport, they represent an increasingly militant and vociferous lobby – indeed, sometimes as intimidating as one of the large trucks that they seem so fearlessly to challenge.
The early bicycle, of course, was responsible not only for opening up travel to a wide swathe of the population in the late 1800s but gave a boost to the independence of women and prompted new forms of dress, suitable for cycling. Today’s favoured streamlined sports attire shows little distinction between the sexes but perhaps a revival from famous bike name Raleigh may have some effect here.
Raleigh has brought out a new version of the old tandem, once upon a time the favoured mode of travel for couples touring the countryside, and again offering togetherness for those who prefer to take on the perils of modern traffic à deux.
Raleigh see it as a romantic choice, “ideal for a loving couple to spend time together” they say. The couple that brakes together will stay together maybe. Could that lead to new considerations in terms of dress? This early cycling outfit shows how women adopted pants, much to the outrage of society at the time.
The new tandem model comes with 24 speed Shimano gears, dual cable disk brakes, and a rigid chromology fork for precision control, all on a lightweight aluminium touring frame.
It is the Raleigh Venture U + 1, price £499.
:: Favourite scooter is Sixty:: |
THE Vespa scooter, blessed with such indelible images as Audrey Hepburn whizzing round Rome in the film “Roman Holiday”, and the Mods invading Brighton in the 60s, celebrates its 60th birthday this year.
It says much for its style as well as its practicality that it is still going strong and, with prevailing traffic problems, is gaining new converts.
A Vespa uses up to 81per cent less petrol than the average car, can reduce journey times by up to 40per cent in the city, is exempt from London’s Congestion Charge, and is allowed free parking across the UK. No wonder they are popular.
This year, maker Piaggio has launched the Vespa Vintage range, featuring retro styles of the 50s and 60s with modern additions, and a bespoke limited edition, the Vespa GT60. Only 999 models of this are available world wide, with registration plates individually engraved with the collector’s initials and a limited edition certificate. Price
Prices for the other models range from £2399 for the 50cc up to £4099 for the 250cc.
A new book giving a comprehensive history and pictures of Vespa models has recently been published by Haynes Publishing, providing some fascination details. Price £40.
Go to www.haynes.co.uk for stockists.
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