THE Rise and Rise of designer sports clothing in no way indicates a corresponding rise in active sports participation on the part of the general hoi polloi. Indeed, with alarming reports on the obesity of children, and increasingly outsize adults, quite the opposite is the case.
Lack of exercise, coupled with diet, has contributed to creating the most sportily attired, inactive population of Fatties ever.
And this Summer, as World Cup fever and other sporting fixtures have fans ensconced on sofas in front of their TVs, beer on tap, (well, there is a water shortage), beer bellies and other flabby areas will receive only the momentary jolt of activity prompted by an occasional goal or photo finish. Flab Rules, OK.
Yet lurking around the corner may lie the prospect of a holiday at some sun-kissed resort. And at least some couch potatoes will wish to present themselves to the outside world in a rather more attractive, slimmer, firmer guise than their present shape - or lack of. Crash diets, frantic exercise regimes and positive thinking notwithstanding the answer may be to call in technology.
Slendertone has been on the market many years, so is no flash-in-the-pan slimming device. With only 27% of British males taking the regular 2-3 times a week exercise recommended for health and fitness, there is clearly a large market for their products which help to slim and tone – without any of that tiresome effort.
Its electrical stimulation products are of medical grade quality, backed by clinical trials, they report, and work on the basis of “ targeting those muscles that are difficult to tone with conventional exercise. The technology produces muscle contractions by stimulating the nerves that control your muscles. It stimulates the nerves where they are closest together, which enables all the muscles in the targeted area to be exercised … producing strong deep yet comfortable contractions.”
So strap on the Slendertone, switch on the telly, slump on the sofa and enjoy, in the knowledge that you too are working your muscles just like those on-screen action men.
HERE's a service that should prove popular with men keen to avail themselves of the latest in facial and body treatment - but who are not so keen on attending salons. A new house-call service has been launched that will bring an experienced clinician to your home at an hour to suit.
From Botonics, this service provides non-surgical procedures designed to combat signs of ageing and to improve the face and body. Treatments include wrinkle relaxing injections, dermal fillers, skin peels, lip enhancement and thread vein treatment. Covering just the Central London area of Zones 1 and 2 at this early stage, but to be expanded to other areas of the UK shortly. Available for men and women, at weekends and weekday evenings, it costs £80 for the visit plus the cost of whichever treatment. Check details on www.botonics.co.uk.
:: Good-looking Trend in Spas :: |
GONE are the days when health and beauty spas were places for women, convalescents and somewhat precious men. Now, more and more regular guys are finding there way to spas in pursuit of looking good - accounting for a whacking 300% increase over the past decade, according to recent statistics.
Splendid Hoare Cross Hall in the Midlands.
The Eden Day Spa at Hoare Cross Hall in the Midlands is one of the centres that has set out to attract a male clientele, developing a range of treatments especially for them. Run by a father and son team, it has full fitness and sports facilities on hand at the Hall as well as the health and skin care therapies suited to men, from £69 per day. For further info, check www.edenspa.co.uk.